Byrd is a children's book writer, and has a house not far from camp. NMDers go there and feed her horses. She is not at her farm now because of health reasons, and I have never personally met her.
Her picturesque house has a bed on the porch for anyone who is traveling through and needs a place to stay. Her generosity extends to animals too- the water buckets for her horses actually has a stick inserted in each one so bees that fall into it can climb out... I am not making this up.
One of Byrd's horses. One day, after someone forgot to close the fence, it wandered off. B and I were watching the camp that day and no one migrants were there, so we took some carrots and horsefood and tried to lure it back in. We talked to it and baited it for at least 45 minutes before it went inside. It was also pouring rain. Quite the adventure.
Everyone is welcome here.
Byrd's house.
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